Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My First Dare

That's the dare I chose from the site getDare, great site, check it out if you haven't before.

I used "" for a dice roller. 

I started with the initial roll, I got 1-3-4. So using my right hand to do 50 spanks on each butt cheek. It wasn't that bad but the left side didn't hurt as much since the angle to use my right hand was awkward. Still stung though and it's a little red.

My next roll I lucked out with 1-1. One finger ten times in and out. I just recently started trying anal things so it's a new experience for me and this small amount was a good thing to loosen up. Due to the expensive nature of condoms and wanting to keep my finger clean to type, I wrapped my finger in saran wrap and lubed it up with lotion.

My next roll was a 5-4, toothpaste on a toothbrush (Ironic) and fuck my ass 50 times with it. Now I've never been a big fan of toothpaste for any of these games but I gotta do it to complete my challenge. I got an old toothbrush I had actually just thrown out and used it. That shit burns. Its not bad if you relax but any time you clench up it burns like hell.

The next one wasn't so bad for size, I rolled a 2 and got three pens. But five minutes of butt fucking kinda sucks for someone that just started doing this stuff. I lubed up 3 pens and it never said how big they had to be so I got standard Bic pens and began to fuck. It got tiresome after a while but I will admit I got hard during it.

I then rolled a 5 and had to put 3 cubes up my butt, along with some toothpaste, and finally hold my ass open. I did this and the holding it open hurt the worst. I'm still extremely tight and so it stretched painfully.

I decided to quit after this and glad I did cause I admit I looked ahead after and the next one was gross and I would've quit anyway. I won't eat anything out of my ass. That's health problems waiting. So I gave myself the punishment spanks and that's that. My first task.

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