Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm John, I've been into BDSM, M/s and all that for a while now but due to personal reasons I can't find a Mistress in real life, and I've experimented with online Masters (I'm not gay or bi, however, I don't mind a Master due to a lack of quality Mistresses) and Mistresses, but have never found one that satisfied what I want.

Personally I'm a very controlling person, however, I've always been fascinated by the idea of being dominated, forced to obey in some way. I don't really think of myself as submissive, I see it more as a challenge, can I cope with living as a slave kinda thing. I guess that's part of why online has never really worked for me, because there's no "forcing it" I can't be made to do something if I really don't want to unless blackmail is involved and I can't risk or trust anyone online to do that. I've thrown around the idea of a "timed blackmail" that lasts a month or two then I can decide to continue or not. Cause just being able to say "stop I'm done" defeats the purpose, and without the compulsion to do something with risk of serious consequence I can't really submit.

So that's what led me to this, I figure the only person who can really control me, force me to do things, is myself. I'm a very challenge oriented person, I crave to do things I set myself to. And so that's what this is. I am challenging myself to control my own life in a very Master/slave type fashion. I will set rules for myself, I will complete tasks, challenges, and dares that I invent or find on sites like or And hopefully through all this it'll provide what I need as well as entertainment for any who read this.

So here it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I adore what your trying to do, and I just want to let you know your not alone in this. My Master loves the idea of being a slave and such, but as there is not one there to force him he has no fun with it. We had been a switch couple for awhile but he was not having fun with it. Now he takes to domming and has fun with it. I have tested him and it does not matter to seem what he does as of now its only the ideas he likes.
    Best of luck anyways!
