Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Large Dice Dare

I know it's been a few days but things have been busy for me. Kinda stressful. Back to this though. Today I did this dare:

I skipped the first three since I don't own any crossdressing clothes as I don't do that. So I started on the wedgie. I rolled a 3-2, hanging for 10 min. Honestly, nothing special, it was just uncomfortable and boring. Never been a fan of wedgies, never saw the point. To me it's one of those things you do in grade school and unless you're into age play it's not really my thing but I went through with it.

Next up I rolled 6-2, 200 spankings with a wooden spoon. Now it doesn't say per cheek so I did 100 each. As with last time, the left side wasn't as bad. I spread them out too so I wouldn't have a giant welt in a single spot with that many to do.

Now next up I got a 2, ten edges. Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky with this. I did the ten and was pretty frustrated after, I waited about 10 seconds between each one.

Next I got a 5-5, 2 fingers in my ass 100 times fast as I can. This wasn't too bad, used lotion again for lube and loosened up a little with one finger first then it wasn't a problem.

Next I rolled a 6, that means 300 more spanks per cheek. Damnit. That's all there is to say about that.

Next I rolled a 2, but then I read the bottom so I stopped at the edge.

Next another 2, 10 ball smacks with a book. I've always been pretty good with ballbusting so this wasn't bad, I was actually hoping for a 6.

I rolled a 3 next, that was just boring, standing there for 15min. Just kinda got old. If it's not for punishment it doesn't do anything really.

Next I got a hogtie for 45 min. I didn't have time to do that right then so I will do it later and do the punishment for failing that one when I have the time.

I lucked out with a 1 next. So glad cause I hate excrement and piss things, it's just gross.

Next I got a 5-1, I used two sharpies and I assumed fuck your brains out meant til you cum. However, without a rule stating I could cum I fucked til I edged. That took a while as I get limited stimulation from anal.

Got a 5 next, lucked out again.

I then got a 2, that just burned and froze. Not bad though.

I got a 6 on number 17, so I gotta cum 6 times in the next 24 hours, which started an hour ago. So by 230 tomorrow.

And finally I got a 5, so if anyone wants to volunteer to help me on that let me know.

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